Kamis, 15 Desember 2016


 Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for the time and place that has been given to me. Praise we pray to god. Because he was the blessing that we can all gather here with good health and a peaceful heart.
Dear miss dini as a lecturer of the English faculty of agriculture UNTAN
And friends who are dear to me and be proud.
At this time I will discuss about devoliping agribussines district Kapuas Hulu. kapuas hulu is one of the producers of agricultural produce quite a lot in kalimantan barat but not recorded because many agricultural products are not for sale but more eaten alone. Examples of rice and fish results.
This is the reason I chose agribusiness so that after graduation I would like to improve the business in terms of marketing of agricultural products kapuas hulu. I want kapuas particularly border areas upstream agricultural products sold at the right price and make the economy of the district kapuas hulu particularly border areas could be a benchmark for other districts kalimantan barat to improve their agricultural products and sell them at reasonable prices.
A few speeches I apologize if there are words that are wrong for your attention and time for me to say thank you.
Good night.

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